Monday 22 April 2013

things change

The hardest thing that I've had to come to terms with since being diagnosed with diabetes is how quickly things can change by a huge amount. 

I still remember how when i was first diagnosed i would have Saturdays as almost a day off from diabetes and eat what i wanted and not care too much about my levels, i would be able to eat loads and loads of carbs and only hit a 13-14mmols reading. i remember the panic that would cause. i remember how if i missed doses of my meds it didn't really have much of an effect on my levels... 

then a few months later things got worse. my levels were going higher than i had ever seen... i even got a reading of 31.4 at one point. a packet of crisps could send my levels into the teens and the meds didn't seem to be working anymore... 

and now? now i look at carbs and my levels can shoot up... i can test and have a reading of 19 after a small amount of carbs. I'm now pretty much totally reliant on insulin to keep my levels okay.

things changed. 

over the space of 2.5yrs the amount of meds I've needed on a daily basis has varied... I've had times when i was on nothing, others when i was just on tabs, and then just insulin.

when i started uni in Sept i was just on 2 types of insulin. 7 months later I'm on a whole lot more.

for the last month they've been testing me for asthma, I've wondered for a while whether Ive got it or not, but after a week of severe breathlessness with the cold weather last month i got myself checked out. then i saw the asthma nurse again on Fri and she says that by the sounds of things i am asthmatic, even if the peak flow charts aren't showing definite signs of it. 

so now my meds routine has been complicated further.... now when i get up i have to take my brown preventer inhaler, then with breakfast, lunch and dinner I've got to take my rapid insulin (and if im high or have a snack), then at 9pm I've got to take my background insulin, cholesterol tablet and another dose of the preventer inhaler... then if I'm breathless or exercising on top of all that, i need to take my blue inhaler... 

i know that there are people on a whole lot more meds than that, but to start uni on just the insulins and in less than a year to have that increased by an awful lot is pretty hard to take in... but i carry on every day trying to keep on top of it all.

things have changed a lot for me, but that's whats made me stronger and the person that i am today.

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