Monday 31 December 2012

bring it on 2013

cant believe that its almost the end of 2012, this year has gone so fast but dragged on so much at the same time. so much has happened within the last year and i cant believe how far I've come and how much things have changed in just one year. 

this time last year i had just turned 18, i was only part of the way through my 2nd year at college and i was in the middle of interview dates for uni. diabetes wise, i had been on insulin for only a few months, i was finally seeing normal numbers and that meant that i was starting to feel a whole lot better. 

now, I'm 19, I've just completed my first semester at university (including a placement...) I've been on insulin for over a year now, and I've added another year of experience onto my time as a diabetic.

2012 has been a good and a bad year in many ways.... there have been more than a few tears shed and laughs had along the way. 

looking back, I've done so much this year that i never thought i would achieve.

I got offers from universities; i fought for the right treatment, tests and information that i needed from the doctors; i passed all of my exams with good grades (despite the teachers thinking i wouldn't do too well - they predicted DDD and i got BBC); i got into uni; I've become more independent and made some amazing new friends; i got a 2.1 in my first assignment at uni; i started a blog which seems to be going better than i first expected it to (always a bonus!); i received my provisional license, started driving and passed my test first time round!!

and lastly

i have FINALLY got an accurate diagnosis for my type of diabetes, that's a big thing for me, i have proved the doctors wrong. all of the times that they have told me to just accept that I'm t2 and that I'm just resisting treatment and making up excuses, all of the times they have made me feel like I'm all to blame for the situation I'm in. they were wrong, and it makes me so happy to think that i have fought them on every level to make them see that I'm telling the truth and that I'm not just resisting a label which they tried to force on me. it worries me that other people are in the same situation and just simply bow down to what they say just because they are the professionals and supposedly know best. the professionals can be wrong sometimes too! after all, they are only human...

I've had my fair share of bad times too, the times that i wonder whether its even worth trying anymore but they are short lived. i feel lucky to be part of an amazing online community, one that keeps me going, makes me smile and feels like family to me. i even managed to meet one of these amazing people this year, it was a totally new experience for me to sit down and have a meal with another diabetic where we both tested and injected together meaning that for once i wasn't alone in doing so. 

now I'm looking towards 2013 and I've still got so much to achieve, i want to pass my first year at uni with a decent percentage; i want to lose weight and start feeling better about myself and how i look; i want to finally get my levels sorted, no more constant highs or constant lows, just average levels, proper calculated doses of insulin rather than the guesses i take now; i want to volunteer on the children's camps that Diabetes UK run all over the country and lastly i want to raise more awareness of diabetes and how serious it can be :)

so here's to another year of new experiences and laughs along the way :)

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