Monday 10 December 2012

the blob tree - time to talk feelings

ok, so last week in lectures we were learning about ways to encourage children to talk about their emotions and how they are feeling. one of the ways that was suggested was to use this blob tree. the idea is that the children colour in the blob people depending on how they feel and then they can explain why certain ones are coloured in. something about it detaching the feelings from the child so its easier to talk about. 

but when i looked at it i could relate almost every single one to dealing with diabetes and how I've been feeling recently.

sometimes i feel like ignoring diabetes, turning my back on it and just leaving it alone like the blob person who is facing the other way. 

sometimes I'm at the top looking down, pleased with how well I've done with keeping my sugar levels in range.

sometimes i need a helping hand to get started with something like with carb counting or a new treatment plan. bit like getting a leg up from the professionals. 

sometimes i feel like I'm falling hard and fast when things go wrong. 

sometimes i feel like I'm balancing and it wont take much to knock me off the edge like the blob on the platform. 

sometimes i feel like I'm stuck half way, clinging on hoping that it will be enough to get through.

sometimes I'm angry with diabetes. angry with what it does to me. angry that its me and not someone else. 

sometimes i feel like I'm part of a team, dealing with it together and actually getting somewhere

sometimes i need a friend or a friend needs me and we sit and chat and work it out between us. 

and finally sometimes i just cant be bothered. like the blob laying down on the floor i just think its too much effort to even think about dealing with diabetes. i feel alone and like theres not much point. a kind of 'ill do it tomorrow' kind of attitude.

but diabetes cant be left until tomorrow. tomorrow might be a day to late to prevent the complications. it might be a day to late to stop the permanent damage that high sugar levels do to my body. 

i think the blob tree is a nice way of talking. i like how relatable the feelings are. i might be an adult now, but I'm still a kid at heart when it comes to talking feelings.

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