Friday 11 January 2013

sobering thoughts

i found out that today is the 91st anniversary of the first time insulin was used to treat a person with diabetes. 

91 years

that's not a very long time at all. 

on 11th January 1922 insulin was used for the first time to treat a 14yr old boy who had been given the death sentence which was diabetes. 

what i cant believe though is that this happened after the first world war.

WW1 is something we learn about in school, something that never feels like it was that long ago, i mean, there are still people alive from then. 

its a sobering thought that insulin is still a fairly new discovery, its something that we as diabetics take for granted to be able to access every day to stay alive, but only 91 years ago people didn't have access to treatment like this, they didn't have the knowledge that they could live just as long as anyone else, there were no pumps, insulin pens, cgms, glucose meters, ipod apps, online communities.... all they had was the same hope for a cure that we have now.

we take far too much for granted, we forget that things like pumps and cgms are luxuries and that the only important thing is that we have resources like insulin to stay alive. there are still people now that cant access insulin, but at least its available, we are closer to a cure now than we ever have been. 

so we have to keep hoping. hoping for a cure to bring this awful disease to extinction. one day we will get there.

Banting and Best started that journey, and one day someone will end it...

you never know, in another 91 years people may be able to say that they used to have diabetes, wouldn't that be amazing...

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