Wednesday 15 August 2012

what is normal?

i deal with diabetes every day. it has just become another part of my routine, just the same as getting dressed and brushing my teeth each morning and going to bed at night. its something that i do automatically the majority of the time. stabbing my fingers and sticking needles into my arms, legs and stomach is normal to me.

but then i really look at my new (well not so new anymore) life. like really look at it. stabbing my fingers to get blood 10 times every day. injecting medicine that potentially could save my limbs and sight by keeping my levels under control. counting the amount of carbs in every bit of food i eat and match the insulin dose to it. no matter which way i look at it, that isn't normal compared to everyone else around me. 

its tough thinking that. its tough thinking that the life i now live isn't a normal one. sure, its normal to the entire diabetic population, but its not normal compared to my family and friends. its not normal to the majority of the population of anywhere in the world....

no wonder when i test and inject in public people stare or watch. its no wonder that people ask silly questions about whether i can eat certain things.... its simply because diabetes is a strange concept to people who don't live the same kind of life that i do. 

i guess normal depends on your situation. it depends on what circumstances come into your life. it depends on how you adapt to carry on living. to put it simply there is no set normal. normal depends on the person its being applied to. 

so i guess that means that yeah i do live a normal life. i live my normal life and that just happens to include testing glucose levels, injecting insulin and counting carbs

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