Tuesday 27 November 2012

a yo yo kind of day

there are the days with diabetes when everything goes right. the days that make you think you finally have it figured out..... the days that leave you smiling and saying that it isn't that bad....

then there are days like today. days which are hell. days which you have no idea whats going on or the best way to deal with it. days which just leave you wanting to give up.

it all kinda started last night. i had insulin for dinner etc but was still high at midnight and because of that i couldn't concentrate while i was finishing my lesson planning. i took a correction dose of insulin and thought nothing more of it. 1.30am came and i tested before i slept.... 4.3.... treated like a hypo with orange juice and some long acting carbs thinking i would be fine by morning.

2.45am. woke to a sugar level of 2.9. not good. got up and treated the hypo then fell asleep again..... morning comes round and I'm sitting at 10.8. not impressed.

i was assessed teaching a lesson this morning but with high sugar levels and very little sleep thrown in the mix i wasn't exactly in the best frame of mind.

lunch time comes... still 10.3, take insulin for food plus correction and get on with it..

home time. 17.7?!?! whats happened there? obviously the insulin at lunch didn't touch the carbs i ate..... dodgy insulin?

so i changed the cartridge when i got home and took a correction dose...

almost 2hrs later I've shot down to 6.7. that's not good either, drop of 11mmols in 2hrs isn't ideal :/

dinner eaten and as i still had quite a bit of insulin on board i didn't take any with my dinner as didn't want to risk a hypo.

now sat at 16.8. I've had enough. i feel rubbish and i hate diabetes big time today for making me feel like this. for making my levels yo yo up and down when i just wanted to be able to get on with things. its hard though, nobody could see what was happening. nobody saw that my levels were high or dropping causing me to feel rubbishy and grumpy. just another reminder that this is for life and it most definitely is invisible.

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