Tuesday 5 June 2012

hypos hypos everywhere

had quite a few hypos recently compared to normal (i reckon i need shares in lucozade with the amount i get through)..... I've had mild ones of 3.7mmols, I've had a couple of nasty shaky ones and tonight i had a 1.9 which completely took me by surprise.... i felt fine and apart from a darkish floaty thing in my right eye i had no signs of being low (i even checked the result 3 times on 2 different meters to make sure)

its these hypos that terrify me the most, the ones where i haven't noticed, the ones that could go completely unnoticed until it is too late. its these ones that could ultimately mean that i don't live. people don't seem to realise the seriousness of a hypo and how important it is for the person having one to eat immediately, I've had a couple of times when I've asked someone to get me a sugary drink and they've taken their time in doing so meaning that my levels drop further. 

so for the next 3 days I'm working, I'm far more active at work as I'm running around after children and don't get much chance to sit down which almost always leads to a hypo mid afternoon..... sometimes i catch these early with regular checks but other times (if I'm really busy) i don't catch it till I'm a shaking mess (not good when you work with children) this doesn't make me incapable of doing my job though, I'm sensible and carry around glucose all the time, my boss is aware that I'm diabetic and they have instructions to follow through if something goes wrong..... it lets me relax a bit knowing that I'm fairly safe. 

unfortunately life isn't always going to be like that, when i move out to go to uni in Sept I'm going to have to show my friends how to check my levels if I'm unable to, I'm going to have to teach them the signs of a low so that they can spot it even if i cant and more than anything else i will have to be able to trust them with my life if something goes seriously wrong! from Sept I'm going to make sure that those around me are aware and know what to do.... that will be my responsibility. after uni, what happens when i get my own place to live? what if i don't have anyone living with me? that's going to be a whole new situation which i will deal with if the time comes... 

for now I'm going to take things one hypo at a time and find my way through. i will get there and all will be good :)


  1. you are a brave young lady and i am sure that you will get there in the end with the help of good friends and remember that these bad times will pass and you will get back on track with your diet and insulin keep going young lady as i for one have been have been helped by you in this last year of finding out i was type 2 you have never made me feel to old to speak to you even though i am old enough to be your mum take care and enjoy your time working with the young ones

    1. thanks debbie :) glad ive helped :) x
